Ekaterina Babarskova
A good day to all of you:) Let's get acquainted. My name is . I am running my first marathon. This is my debut. Together with me my dearest person is running - that's my husband Sergey : my support, my inspirer, my mainstay. We have a remarkably big family. Four surprisingly-wonderful children: Anyutka, Mashunka, Nastyushka and Nikitka. In 2013 we knew that our senior daughter Anyutka is a patient with cancer. First we were confused and did not know what to do. But we quickly gathered and simply began to hit the right nail on the head - to get the treatment . We lived and were glad about simple things. In the same year we got one more kid. And our big family as it was became yet more. The year 2014 presented Anyutka's recovery to us. It became possible due to her efforts, our positively-combative mood and doctors' dedication. The same year presented to us another gift - that was our acquaintance with Sheredar. Anyutka got to the camp. Sheredar is the place, where they return childhood to the children, carrying the heavy years of treatment, pulled up from an ordinary rotation child's caring. By a magic method they do so, that kids begin to laugh from the heart again, make friends and socialise, enjoy. Where they revive optimism, positive attitude to life. Children are like saturated with wonders! And they carry away in themselves the particles of "Shededar" in their further life. For me this is a large honour to run with guys from Shededar, with the parents of the children who passed the long and heavy way of recovery, with people not indifferent to this theme. Guys, I am with you! We are running! P.S.: So it turns out that not what we say is important in life, but yet what we do. And especially what we do for others. And, if my running will help children (even one child), I will be happy. I believe, I know that this fairy-tale will remain forever with the kids. And they will remember the days they'd spent in Sheredar all their lives. Let's get running!)