Alex Zagorac
Привет! I’m Alex, an English language teacher with BKC, born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia. After almost two years in Moscow I can say, without a doubt, that I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave – it feels like home. Why? It’s the people. When I got lost on my first day in Moscow, a woman with two heavy shopping bags insisted on walking me all the way to my place, because she could see I was a foreigner. Here, where I live now, people regularly leave nicely folded and decent looking pieces of clothing they need no longer, for others (less fortunate ones, I suppose) to take if they wish. And there’s much more… See, these are the things I’m going to think about every kilometre of the way. Because, it’s not really about running, not this time. It’s about doing something with it, showing that I care about kids, who have to cover much larger distances, whose race is for life. On September 20 I'll be running my 10km towards the finish line and you will be running with me with every rouble donated to a good cause, little by little and with every donation we will reach the finish line for some kid who fights, day by day, just to recover, to live. Because, in the end, the race is not important, we’re not important… The kids are. And what we do about it is what really counts. Thank you.