Alex Zagorac
Hello friends! I’m 37, from Belgrade, Serbia. I am an English teacher with BKC school in Moscow. I’ll be running for the kids suffering from cancer this year, on Moscow Marathon. A word about me…? Well, I was born with flat feet, and had to wear special shoes for the most of my childhood. I was told I should avoid running. I didn’t. Years later when preparing for Belgrade Marathon (21km) I twisted my ancle on a whole in the ground covered with leaves. Again they said I should lay off running. I didn’t. Not at first, anyway. But later, even the fact that running had become my personal symbol for overcoming life’s obstacles stopped being such a strong motivation. Then I saw invitation from Sheredar to run for the kids. And I re-discovered the purpose I missed so much, only this time it’s much more real because – it’s not only about running, not only about me; it’s about helping the kids. So, those joints of mine – their whisper stopped being so noticeable after quite a while, or so it seems. Thank you for the purpose, thank you for the strength. I’m not letting you down!