Our Vision
Sheredar's vision is that life-changing psychosocial support programmes will be available free of charge to all Russian children with special needs as a result of illness of disability.
Philosophy of Care
Sheredar’s philosophy of care is predicated on the belief that our programmes are designed to enhance and focus on the qualitative presence of adults to children which enables the child to, safely and positively, experience relationships, respect, dignity, uniqueness, individuality, co-operation, sensitivity, independence, co-operation, self-respect, honesty, the growth to mature living and decision making ability, being cared for and comforted, contributing to the subtle and complex network of growth experiences that are a life-long process.
Sheredar's programmes are intentionally designed to engage children socially, emotionally and physically, challenge them to grow beyond perceived limits, enhance self-esteem, confidence, trust and friendship.
Based upon this:
Sheredar is committed to implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Sheredar places the best interests of the child at the centre of everything it does
Sheredar is committed to promoting the general welfare, health and full development of children and to protecting them from harm of all kinds
Sheredar recognise the rights of children as individuals and to their right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times
Sheredar will adopt and consistently apply a thorough and clearly defined method of selecting and training all staff and volunteers
The principle of non-discrimination informs all of our work with others irrespective of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth, sexual orientation or other status
We will consistently endeavour to identify and reach standards of 'best practice' throughout the organisation
We will undertake development of our programmes and attempt to influence change only where it is clearly appropriate and valuable to do so (e.g. changes and development of services will not be undertaken solely or primarily because funding is available)

Values Statement
Centre must be guided by its core values in everything it does, in the programmes and services it offers, and in its relationships with children and families, donors, board, hospitals/clinics, professionals, other centres, childcare organisations and the wider community.
Communication: we believe in active listening and open and honest dialogue.
Co-operation: we believe that only through co-operative collaboration can we enhance our strength and capacity to fulfil our mission.
Child-Focused, Family-Oriented. We believe in seeking out and being responsive to the needs and expectations of children and families. In all issues, the best interests of the children and families we serve will come first.
- Pursuit of excellence. We believe in defining and achieving excellence, striving to deliver service that meets and exceeds these high standards, and working to continuously improve the quality of our services.
Innovation. We believe in anticipating and participating in changes in childcare and therapeutic recreation that affect children and families, in being flexible and creative in designing responses to the changing environment, and in implementing responses in a dynamic and progressive manner.
Inclusion. We believe in an all-inclusive approach to all aspects of the organization. Participants, families, staff and volunteers should feel valued and included in their experience regardless of gender, marital status, family status, religious or political beliefs, race, age, sexual orientation, disability or other physical, emotional, cultural or medical factors. We believe in using a person-centred approach in our programming and vocabulary at all times.
Leadership. We believe in articulating a clear direction for Sheredar, clearly communicating this vision with stake holders, and providing a strong foundation for all staff and volunteers to accomplish this
Programmes. We believe in the impact of our programmes, in providing consistent experiences, and that the philosophy of intentionality should permeate all aspects of our organization’s culture.
Respect. We believe that every staff member is vital to the work we do, contributing invaluably to the achievement of our mission, and that all roles should be clearly understood and respected by everyone
Integrity. We believe in maintaining consistency in our actions, values, methods and expectations, and adhering to strict processes for confidentiality of information.