Our Team
Our "Miles for Smiles" dream team of charity runners is participating in the Moscow Marathon on September 20. Each runner will try to raise 29570 RUB - the sum that will allow 1 child to come to "Sheredar" for post-oncology rehabilitation program in October (full coverage of medical, household, transportation, 5-meals a day expenses and all the expenses for 1 volunteer). No doubt, it is a lot of money, but together we can raise it.
Every donation matters. Donate today by supporting one of our amazing runners!
Challenge 2017

Наталья Калинина
Меня зовут Наталья. В этом году я решилась не только повторить забег на 10 км на Московском марафоне, но и пробежать полумарафон 15 октября. Пробежать эти дистанции – большой вызов для меня. Этот вызов я хочу посвятить детям, победившим рак.Фонд «Шередарь» помогает ребятам, перенёсшим болезнь, заново довериться миру. Это то, что так необходимо после серьезной болезни и пребывания в больничных стенах. «Шередарь» меняет жизнь, заряжает позитивом и помогает поверить в себя. Мой вызов ради тех ребят, которые перебороли тяжелое заболевание. Пребывание одного ребенка на смене обходится в 36 636 рублей. Моя цель – собрать эту сумму, чтобы помочь ребенку приехать на реабилитационную программу и освободиться из плена болезни. Поддержите мой вызов, отправьте смс с текстом ВЫЗОВ и суммой на номер 7522 пожертвования (ВЫЗОВ 200)

Волонтеры "Гонки Героев"
Однажды солнечным утром возникла идея сделать свой воскресный забег волонтёров «Гонки Героев». Для многих стало настоящим подвигом встать рано утром в воскресенье на пробежку вместо того, чтобы подольше поваляться в кроватке. После нашего первого забега мы получили массу положительных эмоций и поддержку дорогих друзей. Мы решили не просто тренироваться по выходным, а с пользой. За каждый километр, что мы пробегаем, собираем пожертвование в пользу благотворительного фонда «Шередарь» и детей, перенёсших тяжёлые заболевания. Ведь они, как и мы, каждый день ставят себе цели, преодолевают страхи и становятся увереннее в себе. Участие в реабилитационной программе бесплатное, но фонду пребывание одного ребёнка обходится в 36 636 рублей рублей. Наша цель – собрать эту сумму, чтобы ещё один ребёнок смог приехать в «Шередарь» и снова окунуться в детство. Поддержите нас – отправьте смс со словом ВЫЗОВ и суммой пожертвования на номер 7522 (например, ВЫЗОВ 200). Вместе мы изменим этот мир к лучшему!
Команда бегунов 'Шередарь' - 2017

Анастасия Абеляр
Меня зовут Настя, я инструктор на маршрутах по Горному Алтаю. Почти все лето я нахожусь в условиях дикой горной природы. Немногие дни в городе – это возможность докупить еды, снаряжения и привести себя в порядок. Я чувствую себя уверенно на тех маршрутах, которые мы постоянно проходим с группами, но сейчас все иначе. В понедельник я и мой пёс Алтай отправляемся в поход по неизвестным местам. Эти дни перед отъездом я мониторю интернет на предмет хоть каких-нибудь материалов по маршруту, на который иду. Это сложный участок без туристических троп, на нем будет около 16 бродов через горные реки и 4 перевала высотой, близкой к 3000 метров, а один даже выше. Общая протяженность пешей части пути – около 140 км. На этом маршруте нет связи, возможности укрыться от непогоды или сходить в баню. Все, на что я и мой спутник можем рассчитывать – палатка и горелка с газом. Мы планируем пройти этот маршрут за 7 дней. Это будет моим вызовом. Я хочу посвятить его ребятам, которые шли по сложному маршруту в борьбе с болезнью. Они победили, теперь им нужна помощь, чтобы осознать свою победу и идти дальше. Фонд «Шередарь» проводит реабилитационные программы, на которых помогает детям и подростком забыть о болезни и снова почувствовать себя полными жизни. Я принимаю свой вызов и хочу собрать 38 000 рублей. Именно в такую сумму обходится участие в программе ребенка и волонтера-сопровождающего. Вы можете отправить смс-пожертвование со словом ВЫЗОВНАСТЯ и любой суммой на номер 7522 или через он-лайн систему на сайте фонда «Шередарь». Поддержите нас с Алтаем, пока мы будем в горах!

Думаю, каждый из нас в своем развитии доходит до такого этапа, когда добыть мамонта, вкусно его приготовить и съесть в теплой красивой пещере уже недостаточно, хочется чего-то значимого. Открыть новую планету или сделать великое научное открытие удается единицам. Но есть очень доступный нам всем способ стать супергероем. Лично меня вопрос «что я могу сделать, чтобы мир стал лучше?» волновал давно, но всегда было определенное недоверие к благотворительности, особенно в нашей стране. Первое, чем я решилась поделиться, как ни странно, были мои волосы: раз у меня с ними все складывается легко, почему бы не помочь тому, у кого все не так хорошо? Я ни разу не пожалела об этом. А в марте 2017 мне посчастливилось поработать волонтером в «Шередаре», в реабилитационном лагере для детей, перенесших рак. Именно посчастливилось, потому что 2 недели там стали для меня переломными в понимании ряда важных вещей. Основной принцип работы реабилитационной программы – это вызов. Ребенок постоянно сталкивается с новыми ситуациями и преодолевает свои страхи при поддержке команды ребят и волонтеров. Так он узнает, что может гораздо больше, чем думал. Сегодня я тоже ставлю перед собой вызов и прошу вашей поддержки. Мой вызов – в мае 2017 переехать жить в Санкт-Петербург! Переезжать в новый город и начинать новую жизнь мне очень страшно. Но я хочу не просто сделать этот шаг, а посвятить его детям, которых я встретила на программе. Участие одного ребенка обходится в 26 000 рублей. Моя цель – собрать эту сумму. Я хочу, чтобы больше детей смогли пройти реабилитацию в «Шередаре», поэтому прошу вас поддержать меня, сделав пожертвование в пользу фонда. Я верю в мир во всем мире, в любовь, верю, что добро побеждает зло (на самом деле нет добра и зла, есть любовь и страх). И я верю, что эти дети сделают очень много добрых дел и великих открытий. Им просто нужно снова поверить в себя. Даже небольшое участие принесет огромную пользу. Вы можете перевести любую сумму через он-лайн систему на сайте, или отправить смс на короткий номер 7522, где в сообщении будет фраза ВЫЗОВОЛЯ (или VYZOVOLYA) и любая сумма, например, ВЫЗОВОЛЯ 300. Каждый из вас может стать супергероем и спасти чью-то жизнь.

Julia Prokoshina
Волонтер по жизни, человек, который всегда улыбается, и просто источник неиссякаемого вдохновения, то есть я – Юля Прокошина, решила обратиться к вам за поддержкой. Вы знаете, что уже давно я езжу волонтером в реабилитационный центр «Шередарь», где детки и подростки, победившие рак, проходят реабилитацию. Представляете, что пережили эти ребята? Сколько дней они провели в стенах больницы и через какие испытания прошли? После лечения им очень и очень важно почувствовать поддержку и одобрение, ощутить свою значимость, поверить в себя и свои силы. Я настолько влюбилась в «Шередарь» и его атмосферу, что хочу приезжать сюда каждую смену. Жаль, что это не всегда удается. Но ведь помогать любимому лагерю можно даже на расстоянии в тысячи километров. Я решила принять свой собственный ВЫЗОВ: закончить обучение в Курске и найти работу по специальности в Петрозаводске. Это будет мой третий диплом – учитель физической культуры, получение которого я хочу посвятить всем ребятам, которые были со мной на реабилитационных программах и еще будут на новых сменах. Они вдохновили меня следовать своему предназначению и получить образование мечты, а я хочу подарить им возможность снова научиться радоваться. Моя цель – собрать 26 000 рублей до сентября 2017 года. Именно столько необходимо для участия одного ребенка или подростка в реабилитационной смене «Шередаря». Друзья, вы можете поддержать мой ВЫЗОВ, отправив пожертвование в пользу фонда через он-лайн систему на сайте, или отправить смс на короткий номер 7522, где в сообщении будет фраза ВЫЗОВЮЛЯ и любая сумма, например, ВЫЗОВЮЛЯ 300.

Привет! Я - Вита Хитрук, мне 28. Когда я училась в школе, я хотела стать врачом-онкологом, чтобы помогать людям пережить эту страшную болезнь и выжить. В дальнейшем я увлеклась языками и стала преподавателем английского. Я работаю в замечательной школе ВКС-IH, где в прошлом году я узнала о команде Miles for Smiles, которая бежит за фонд «Шередарь». На тот момент я еще даже не бегала, но потом у меня что-то щелкнуло в голове, я надела старые найки и побежала. В итоге весной я пробежала свой первый полумарафон, а в сентябре собираюсь бежать свой первый полный марафон. Это настоящий вызов для меня, это проверка моей выносливости, ментальных сил и настойчивости. Я никогда не думала, что это мне по зубам. «Шередарь» – это волшебное место, где возвращают детям улыбки и волю к жизни. Поэтому я хочу бежать свой первый и, надеюсь, не последний марафон вместе с фондом. А вы мне можете в этом помочь, потому что моя цель – это не просто пробежать 42,2 км и повесить медаль на стену, а еще и собрать 26 тысяч рублей, ровно столько стоит реабилитация одного ребенка. Вы можете поддержать меня, отправив любую сумму через он-лайн систему на сайте, или с помощью смс-пожертвования на короткий номер 7522, где в сообщении будет фраза ВЫЗОВВИТА и сумма пожертвования, например, ВЫЗОВВИТА 300. Вы также можете помочь фонду, рассказав о нем друзьям и знакомым.

Дарья Ревина
Друзья, по ставшей доброй традиции посвящаю свой следующий полумарафон Благотворительному Фонду "Шередарь", который проводит бесплатные реабилитационные программы лагерного типа для детей, перенесших тяжелые заболевания, в собственном и пока единственном в России центре ) 29 января 2017 г. я участвую в 48-ом марафоне "Дорога жизни" (г. Санкт-Петербург). Марафон проводится по знаменитой "Дороге Жизни", которая в течение 872 блокадных дней была единственным средством связи города с Большой землей. По ней в город везли хлеб, медикаменты и припасы, а в обратном направлении - эвакуировали жителей. Я подумала, что будет символично пробежать дистанцию 21 км для детей и подростков фонда "Шередарь", который возвращает детство. Для них "Шередарь" является той самой "Дорогой жизни". Когда после тяжелой болезни не знаешь, какой выбрать путь, как снова радоваться жизни, приходит на помощь "Шередарь" - он помогает детям и подросткам найти новых друзей, поверить в свои силы и открыть в себе новые таланты! Давайте вместе, поддержим деятельность этого фонда пожертвованиями и превратим 21 км в полумарафон дружбы, поддержки, добра и улыбок)) Станьте, супергероями, которых так не хватает в нашей обычной жизни)) Моя цель 25622 р. – эта сумма покроет расходы на пребывание одного ребёнка на программе Шередаря с 1 по 9 февраля 2017 г., куда входит и питание, и медикаменты, и трансфер, и творческие мастерские))

Лена Игнатова
Мысли о марафоне посещали меня очень давно. Полгода назад я узнала о фонде «Шередарь», подала волонтерскую заявку в больничный проект «Открывая двери детству», и это событие перевернуло мою жизнь! Посещение больницы и помощь на мастерских стали неотъемлемой частью моей жизни, ведь это нереальная атмосфера поддержки и помощи друг другу, такой душевной теплоты, радости, которая наполняет. И ты снова готов идти к своей мечте. Фонд «Шередарь» занимается реабилитацией детей, которые перенесли тяжёлые заболевания. Реабилитация - один из важных этапов в жизни ребёнка, перенёсшего болезнь, и именно он определяет, как сложится его жизнь дальше. Я узнала, что можно бежать на марафоне в пользу фонда и поняла, что именно с такой целью - собрать 26000 руб. на реабилитацию ребёнка, я наконец готова пробежать 10 км, хоть это и будет сложно. Когда ты знаешь, ради чего работаешь, идти по намеченному пути гораздо легче. Помогите мне сделать ребятам, победившим болезнь, этот подарок. Отправляйте смс с текстом ПОДАРОК и суммой пожертвования на номер 7522
Oksana Pochtoeva
Меня зовут Оксана, я давно наблюдаю за деятельностью фонда «Шередарь», а совсем недавно, вдохновившись примером Ксении Давидсон, решила бросить себе вызов. Уже долгое время я помогаю разным проектам, разным организациям, зачастую расположенным в других регионах. По большей части я волонтер на расстоянии: рисую презентации, делаю макеты, логотипы и пр. В моем ритме жизни кажется почти невозможным найти неделю и полностью посвятить ее волонтерству, выйти из привычного режима работы, учебы и творческих проектов. Но раз столько волонтеров приезжают в «Шередарь» на каждую программу, значит это возможно! Я решила бросить себе вызов: на протяжении 14 дней я буду рассказывать по одной причине, почему стоит поехать в «Шередарь» волонтёром. Если я смогу собрать 26 000, чтобы оплатить поездку одного ребенка на удивительную смену в «Шередарь» этой весной, то я пересеку 1000 км и отправлюсь в лагерь этого фонда волонтёром. Вы можете поддержать меня, отправив любую сумму через он-лайн систему на сайте, или с помощью смс-пожертвования на короткий номер 7522, где в сообщении будет фраза ВЫЗОВМАРТ и любая сумма, например, ВЫЗОВМАРТ 300.

Софья Жиликова-Балазовская
Раньше я работала в «Шередаре», поэтому достаточно хорошо знаю этот фонд. И хочу посвятить ему своё участие в Московском марафоне. Моя цель –собрать 26 000 руб., на оплату смены для одного ребенка. В этом году я впервые участвую в «Московском Марафоне»: дистанция небольшая, 10 км, но для меня это вызов. Работая в «Шередаре», я узнала о том, что помимо привычных способов оказания помощи, есть еще много различных вариантов. Один из них – charity running –заинтересовал меня больше всех. Я давно мечтала заняться спортом, а именно начать бегать. Какой чудесной показалась мысль осуществить свою давнюю мечту и одновременно с этим осуществить мечту ребенка, которому нелегко пришлось в жизни. «Шередарь» – удивительный фонд, занимающийся реабилитацией детей, перенёсших тяжелые заболевания. Мне очень радостно что своим участием в марафоне смогу поддержать этих маленьких героев, этот замечательный проект и привлечь внимание своих знакомых и друзей к проблеме реабилитации. Вы можете присоединиться к моей акции, отправив любую сумму через он-лайн систему на сайте, или с помощью смс-пожертвования на короткий номер 7522, где в сообщении будет фраза ВЫЗОВСОФИЯ и любая сумма, например, ВЫЗОВСОФИЯ 300.
Команда бегунов 'Шередарь' - 2016

Ekaterina Babarskova
A good day to all of you:) Let's get acquainted. My name is . I am running my first marathon. This is my debut. Together with me my dearest person is running - that's my husband Sergey : my support, my inspirer, my mainstay. We have a remarkably big family. Four surprisingly-wonderful children: Anyutka, Mashunka, Nastyushka and Nikitka. In 2013 we knew that our senior daughter Anyutka is a patient with cancer. First we were confused and did not know what to do. But we quickly gathered and simply began to hit the right nail on the head - to get the treatment . We lived and were glad about simple things. In the same year we got one more kid. And our big family as it was became yet more. The year 2014 presented Anyutka's recovery to us. It became possible due to her efforts, our positively-combative mood and doctors' dedication. The same year presented to us another gift - that was our acquaintance with Sheredar. Anyutka got to the camp. Sheredar is the place, where they return childhood to the children, carrying the heavy years of treatment, pulled up from an ordinary rotation child's caring. By a magic method they do so, that kids begin to laugh from the heart again, make friends and socialise, enjoy. Where they revive optimism, positive attitude to life. Children are like saturated with wonders! And they carry away in themselves the particles of "Shededar" in their further life. For me this is a large honour to run with guys from Shededar, with the parents of the children who passed the long and heavy way of recovery, with people not indifferent to this theme. Guys, I am with you! We are running! P.S.: So it turns out that not what we say is important in life, but yet what we do. And especially what we do for others. And, if my running will help children (even one child), I will be happy. I believe, I know that this fairy-tale will remain forever with the kids. And they will remember the days they'd spent in Sheredar all their lives. Let's get running!)
Olga Kabenkova
My name is Olga, I am a finance manager at BKC-IH Moscow. I decided to run for "Sheredar" for the second year in a row, as I truly enjoyed being part of our wonderful "Miles for Smiles" charity run team last year - so much fun we had at the Moscow Marathon! But what's more important is that together with my teammates we did good for the kids that have battled with their illness and who are still fighting with its aftermath. "Sheredar" is a unique place that helps kids be kids again and get back to normal post-illness life. Seeing them smile again is what I find most inspiring and motivating. That's why I had no doubts about running my 10km for Sheredar again.

Alex Zagorac
My name is Alex, I'm from Serbia and this is my second year in a row as a Miles for Smiles Charity Team runner for Sheredar. I heard a great teacher once saying: "If sport serves to defend life, to defend honour, than it means something. If it serves to defend a plastic-metal cup, then in means nothing". I believe that here, with Sheredar, at Moscow Marathon, sport does serve to defend life - the lives of children fighting the world's deadliest adversary, fighting cancer. I believe that here, with Sheredar, at Moscow Marathon, sport does serve to defend honour - the honour of all of us who can do something about helping the children live to the fullest; the honour of us who run, the honour of us who support the runners, the honour of us who help the children in many different ways, day by day. I believe that life and honour know no boundaries, no nationalities, and - no excuses! That's why I shall run for the children, all those children who have been recovering, and shall continue to recover with the help of Sheredar. I shall do that because I believe in the true meaning of sport, life and honour. If you believe as well... please support the kids by supporting our run. With faith and gratitude, Alex, a Sheredar charity runner

Kenny Kurata
Hello! My name is Kenny, I am from the USA. People who know me are aware of my passion for running. Every year I participate in 4-5 marathons. I am a member of The Country Marathon Club that harboured marathon runners from about 30 countries and together we participate in marathons all over the world. In Russia I have run 4 marathons and 8 halfmarathons. This october I am planning to run a marathon in Amsterdam, thus making the Netherlands my 45th “marathon” country. That's why I decided to join the charity run in September and support Sheredar fund by running my “training” 10km at the Moscow Marathon in September, for it's also a great opportunity to help children. Any way you slice it, there is always an extra motivation in charity runs:)

Anka Zapart
My name is Anka, I come from Poland. I am a teacher at BKC IH Moscow. This will be my second time with the Miles for Smiles team and this year I want to run a bit further – my first ever full marathon - and raise a bit more. If you can, please support me and the Sheredar kids:-)

Ekaterina Rogozhkina
My name is Ekaterina, I am an English teacher and this will be my second charity run as a Miles for Smiles team member. I had a great time last year – lots and lots of runners, everyone's is cheering up for you, the sun is shining, people smiling, the atmosphere was amazing. To be frank with you, I was a bit worried about finishing the race when I crossed the 5km mark (I was getting tired really fast), but my colleague and co-runner Natalia Borisova was there for me when I needed it most – she slowed down a bit to root for me and cheer me up! A friend in need is a friend indeed! At the end I crossed the finish line and was embraced my other team members and our brilliant Sheredar supporters, it was truly an amazing feeling. This year I decided to do it again (and maybe will get my daughter on board too!) and I am planning to break a leg for it!
Natalia Kalinina
We tend to look for a meaning of life, as well as meaning of what we do and strive for, which is only human. The downside of it all is that we forget to thank for what we have - that we are in good health, that our dreams come true, that we overcome our fears and are ready to accept new challenges, that sometimes we feel like pouring our hearts out - so much happiness there is in our lives and so easy it is to dismiss those happy moments as unimportant, for we do take some things for granted. We should be thankful for other people's help, but also for being able to help others in return, thus becoming a role model for some. It really is quite easy. You set your goal and you move towards it, overcoming obstacles on your way, step by step and meter by meter- those meters making a 10km distance. It's all for the kids who have fought their fight with a serious illness. Let's all make those kids smile again!

Alena Petrova
Hi! My name is Alena, I'm a teacher of English at BKC-IH Moscow. I love running and doing something good from time to time. For me, this marathon is an opportunity to direct my energy into a positive and productive flow. I hope my achievements will help young people to take a step towards happiness of being healthy. I will be grateful for any support! Let's do it!

Maxim Shepelev
Hello! My name is Max, I work in IT- department of the company BKC - IH. This year we are going to run a marathon with a command "Miles for smiles". For me it will be the first, for someone it will be the second, and for someone this is already a tradition. Everybody sees the sense in this race. For me this is a chance to show that all of us always can find the way, walk or hurry it, labour for the set aims, and certainly, win. Clearly, anything can happen, and it is so important to have support, support that will help you to open the second wind alongside in yourself , to pursue your ambition. The team "Miles for smiles" is just such support for a little ward fund "Sheredar". These children overcame the great number of difficulties, they already are winners. It remaines just a bit for them. They need OUR help. I hurry, to show that we all are one, to attract attention of not indifferent ones and to collect facilities for a help to the little heroes.

Natalia Kolodkina
My name is Natalia Колодкина. I am 37. I am a master-hairdresser. I absolutely love the active way of life, sports, including running. My client who told to me about activity of fund and about an eleemosynary marathon works in the fund "Sheredar". I will be happy to take part in it and help children.

Sergey Pimankin
We have to admit that nowadays it's not easy to help those who are truly in need. I learned about the marathon from my friend Olga in 2015. She was training hard for it and after the whole thing was over, she shared her impressions about the event. Her post-run feedback helped me make up my mind about joining the team in 2016. This charity run for me is a chance to help children who need post-treatment rehabilitation. I hope that by being part of charity runners team I will succeed in raising money for Sheredar and most of all - raising awareness about the topic of rehabilitation not just among my close friends and relatives, but also among the general public.

Valentina Vorobyeva
My name is Valentina. It is the first marathon in my life. I will start with running 10 km. For a person who was getting good marks at the PE lessons for filling the class registers, this is a challenge. My wonderful friend Olga told me inspiringly about the marathon last year about the marathon and I had no doubts, that I would take part in it. This especially is a wonderful possibility to take part in the destiny of children who are being rehabilitated at the residential treatment centre "Sheredar". It is a chance to do good by your own the efforts . To bring joy to the little heroes. To make our world a little happier.

Ekaterina Balaganskaya
My name is Katya, I am a teacher from Odintsovo. My friends in IH BKC Moscow, who support Sheredar, inspired me to participate in the run. I am far from a professional runner, so this run will be my personal challenge. I joined the Miles fo Smiles team because I am a mother of three and know it firsthand – all children need love and support. I believe that speed and time don’t matter, but sharing the idea of people doing something together can drive more volunteers and sponsorship to the fund.

Yulia Karikh
Hi! My name is Yulia and this will be second charity run for Sheredar (the first one was in 2014 when I ran my first 10km). I guess, it would be safe to say that for me volunteering is as natural as breathing. My volunteering story started in February 2014 when I came to Sheredar for one of their rehabilitation sessions for children and from then on I cannot but feel aspired to share, give and reach out to those in need. I suppose, at some pivotal moment of my life I realized that being kind to other people is being human and that by lending someone a helping hand I get more than I give. Thanks to Sheredar, charity runs have also become part of my life, for not only do I run for a good cause, but it also fills me with energy and pure joy. I would be truly grateful to you for your support, folks!

Olga Afonina
Each of us in this world is lonely, if we think so. Together we are one. The hand of help is so important in difficult times and a smile is so needed in happy moment! Only being united, being not indifferent, we can give a hope for the best and to our own selves, and to all of us. Join our race or support me and other participants of our team!

Юлия Галанина
Я рада тому, что могу не только поучаствовать в известном марафоне, но и создать "повод" для других людей- знать, что их небольшая лепта поможет деткам пройти с успехом восстановление после рака! Реабилитационный центр такого уровня, как "Шередарь ", большая редкость в России.Предстоящий забег может помочь хотя бы еще одному ребенку физически и эмоционально поскорее окрепнуть, и для этого нужно собрать всего 29 тысяч рублей.

Sergey Barbarskov
Shortly about myself - i'm lucky for real )). Doctors helped my child to overcome cancer, and Sheredar helped to save her soul. First time I was lucky , when I was born in the best family of engineers, in the best country of the world - USSR, the country that presented a happy childhood to me, where at 7 I could go by tram alone, play truant at school, play to overcome vital obstacles and move there, where it was really interesting to me. This country taught me to count only on own forces, and to accept any help with large gratitude. I was lucky the second time in my life, when I met the most wonderful girl in the world, and, to my surprise, she even agreed to become my wife, bore four remarkable children to me, each of them is unique by character and does not look like the others. And it was a large luck the third time me, when I became the dad of a child, who won over cancer, when we quite by chance got to the best doctors of Russia, that saved her. Seemed like what was yet possible to expect from life, and here, quite by chance, on the radio we heard about Sheredar. We wrote, called there, and our child was taken to the shift. Here so simply, absolutely free of charge, as by magic. And as an eyewitness I can bravely declare, Sheredar is more than a rehabilitation center, it is a completely another planet. Planet, where there is absolute happiness, positive and care for everyone, where the Good and Love dwell. Here is formed the new art of thinking for the children, wherevthere is no place for sadness, sorrow, offenses. For every child there will be a kind word, place in a team, where he or she will be able to expose the talents and aspirations. Exactly here in a little man the large and light future is founded so that he will be able to attain living by the principles of Sheredar . Thank you guys for that you just are, for the future world, that you give to our children! To run in Your team is a large honour for me.

Andrey Galiguzov
Every time, when I going out on a distance, I think, in what rate I need to run, when to drink and how to feed myself on a route, with what time I will succeed to finish. It is approximately the same in life. It is my second race to support the children who need a rehabilitation after heavy diseases. Last year we succeeded to collect not so much money, as it was desirable. But this year, when going out on this distance I already now, I hope that with your help we will collect a necessary sum. Support me or anyone of our team "Miles for smiles" for those, who need it.

Ольга Чудакова
Меня зовут Ольга. Бег и йога — это две основных активности, которые приводят меня в состояние гармоничного баланса. А еще я люблю «Шередарь» :) Поэтому идея поддержать реабилитационный фонд на марафоне вызвала во мне бурю положительных эмоций. Я верю, что совместными усилиями мы поможем вернуть детям улыбки! :)
Vincent Merrone
My name is Vincent. I typically jog for exercise and fun. However, when I was told about this charity event I knew it was a good way to try and give back to the community. I am glad to be apart of this event and hope my contribution assists those in need.
Команда бегунов 'Шередарь' - 2015

Olga Kabenkova
My name is Olga and I am a finance manager at BKC-IH Moscow. Ever since I was a kid, I have been into sports, including athletics, I participated in different competitions and sometimes got the places. Running for me is a genuine pleasure, a meditation of sorts. I like to feel every muscle and every fibre of my body when running and most of all, I like that sense of calm and harmony that comes after having run several kilometres. I decided to take part in the Moscow Marathon and run my 10km to support children who managed to get over a serious illness and now keep fighting with its consequences at rehabilitation programs at "Sheredar". Helping others is only human. Let's help children together!
Clare Metcalf
My name is Clare, I am from Dublin (Ireland) but I have been living in Moscow for over seven years. I am a member of the International Women's Club Charity Board and learnt about Sheredar's work with children recovering from serious illness through the IWC's charitable sponsorship of Sheredar's rehabilitation activity camp. I have only recently started running again but believe that raising money for a charity which gives hope to children is great motivation.

Anka Zapart
My name is Anka. I am a teacher of English at BKC-IH Moscow. I come from Poland but after six years Moscow has also become the second home. I started to run here, in Russia. One my first tracks were the forests in the Vladimirskaya Oblast and the road that today is the road to Sheredar. In a way, the 20th of September will be like many other runs, morning, 10k, music blaring on the headphones, me and the road. But at the same time it will be very special. I will be running for Sheredar and its kids! Wouldn't it be just great if together we could help one of them? It is only 3 roubles per every meter! I will run but I need your help with the other bit.
Ksenia Davidson
I like running. Morning or evening run for me is like yoga for some people. It calms me, helps me to get ready for a new day or clear up my head after a long day at work. We all know that running is good for one's health. But I also know that it can do good for those who are less fortunate in this life - who have been fighting serious diseases for months and years on end. That's why I'll be running for "Sheredar" for the second year in a row and I am asking you to help me to support children that will be coming to "Sheredar" for the autumn rehabilitation program. I will run my 10km (yay!) and tell you later of all the children that we will have helped together.

Gulnur Khromova
Hi everyone! My name is Gulnur and I'm 34 y.o. I took up running last year, greatly inspired by a friend of mine (thank you Julia!) who introduced to me to running and what came with it - fun, joy and real euphoria. I got so into running that now it became one of the greatest joys of my life - I love it just as much I love traveling, cycling, crocheting or reading. No matter where you are, what kind of weather it is outside and what kind of mood you are in, you go for a run and return a different person. Running makes you look at lots of things from a different angle. This year I am up for my first marathon (42km) that I will run for "Sheredar" just like I did run 10km for it last year. To run the full marathon is my dream that will require strength, patience and stamina. But the most important thing is that I'll go through the same wave of amazing emotions that one gets to experience only when crossing the finish line - after all those kilometers left behind, being united with that great throng of fellow-runners, volunteers, your family and friends, having broken another personal record and having achieved yet another goal - after all that you realize how truly amazing life is. I believe that I can do it, for not only will I be running those 42km for myself, but I'll be also running my distance for "Sheredar". Running is life. Life is running. Go go for a run!

Alex Zagorac
Привет! I’m Alex, an English language teacher with BKC, born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia. After almost two years in Moscow I can say, without a doubt, that I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave – it feels like home. Why? It’s the people. When I got lost on my first day in Moscow, a woman with two heavy shopping bags insisted on walking me all the way to my place, because she could see I was a foreigner. Here, where I live now, people regularly leave nicely folded and decent looking pieces of clothing they need no longer, for others (less fortunate ones, I suppose) to take if they wish. And there’s much more… See, these are the things I’m going to think about every kilometre of the way. Because, it’s not really about running, not this time. It’s about doing something with it, showing that I care about kids, who have to cover much larger distances, whose race is for life. On September 20 I'll be running my 10km towards the finish line and you will be running with me with every rouble donated to a good cause, little by little and with every donation we will reach the finish line for some kid who fights, day by day, just to recover, to live. Because, in the end, the race is not important, we’re not important… The kids are. And what we do about it is what really counts. Thank you.

Ian Foley
My name is Ian, I am from the USA and I have been working as a teacher of English at BKC-IH Moscow for many years. I used to run marathons nearly a decade ago, but I eventually stopped due to my busy work schedules. However, a few years ago, several BKC teachers invited me to run the Moscow half-marathon as part of the Sheredar team, and I agreed. Foolishly, I didn't train for the race. That half-marathon was more difficult than any of the full marathons I've completed. I wouldn't have finished without the support from the rest of the team that day. I have decided to run in the upcoming race to support Sheredar, because like my teammates, the Foundation helps people accomplish goals through teamwork and support.

Viktoria Sotnikova
Running is health. "Sheredar" is children's happiness. Running for "Sheredar" means cheerful eyes and radiant smiles of healthy happy kids! Everyone can help!

Ekaterina Rogozhkina
My name is Ekaterina. I am a teacher of English at BKC-IH Moscow. I love my students. And when it comes to running, I am all for it, as long as it comes with shopping:) My favourite spare time is reading a book on the sofa with my cat snuggled on my lap. I am 52 and when I run, my husband walks next to me (such is the speed of my running:). I ask myself why I do this and the answer is that I am one of the many - ordinary people like you - who help. They help children, adults, animals or environment in general every way they can. I also help, for on many an occasion I was on the receiving end of other people's help. And there was also an episode once when I visited Centre of Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Immunology named after D. Rogachev and I saw some kids (for real, not like on some photos) wearing medical face masks and I was told that they were in the post-treatment state and therefore were allowed to go for a walk every now and again. And I saw their mothers, too. So I donate money to the centre through "Gift of Life" foundation. And now I learnt about "Sheredar" and the upcoming marathon and this charity run and I decided to try to run my 10km, even though I know that it won't be easy for me to cross the finish line. I'll run knowing that people do help and that children, their mothers and fathers hope for your help and I hope for it, too.

Daria Stanislavskaya
Hi! My name is Daria, I am 22 and I am a student at Financial University under the government of The Russian Federation. I also work part-time at a consulting firm. Running has only recently become my hobby and once I got into it, I had this new craving for exploring new routes and paths. A friend of mine regularly participates in all kinds of charity events and having learnt of my new hobby, she told me about this opportunity to take part in the competition (Moscow Marathon) in order to help kids. I would be happy to run for "Sheredar", for I strongly believe that our main purpose is to give love, bring joy and do good. I would like to use this opportunity to ask everyone sharing my point of view to help "Sheredar" and support the charity run. After all, we are one and can change our future for the better by doing good and bringing joy into this world.

Belinda Affat
My name is Belinda. I'm from London, but I've been living in Moscow for three years. While living in London, I often enjoyed going for runs in my local park and I also regularly took Bollywood dance and zumba classes. However, since I moved to Moscow, I've hardly done any activities at all! I decided to participate in the Moscow run which will enable me to improve my fitness and raise money for “Sheredar” charity foundation at the same time. I'm older and not as fit as I used to be, so I know this won't be easy, but I believe it'll be worth it. I hope you do too and I'll be grateful for any support you can give.

Andrey Galiguzov
Hi! My name is Andrey, I'm 32. I took to running in 2009, but back then my runs weren't regular. I started training more seriously only last year, and my first half marathon was hard won. It was at that time that I set myself a goal to run a marathon. Nowadays I can't imagine my life without running. I also like travelling very much, but today the search for new travel destinations for me is more about finding routes which give an opportunity to either take part in official races or do trail running on my own. Why do I want to help "Sheredar" charity foundation? There is a wonderful French film "The Finishers" («De Toutes Nos Forces»), which tells a story about a disabled boy who can't move without a wheelchair. He feels that his family is unhappy and thinks that the reason for that is he himself. His father, a former athlete, stopped training because of work and family problems. The boy decides to persuade his father to start training again and take part in an Ironman Triathlon race in Nice, but this time together with him. He succeeds, and while preparing for the competition both the boy and his parents become much happier and find a higher purpose of life. This amazing film is based on thousands of stories all around the world when children with different diseases dream about living a full life and find it only when adults aren't indifferent and take their dreams seriously. Please help us help these children!

Maria Landysheva
Hi! My name is Maria. I love life, children, sports and travelling. Why did I decide to participate in the marathon? It is a great opportunity to get wants and needs met:) Not only can we raise the required sum of money together, but what's more - get more people into volunteering and charity in general. Living without any concern for other people is simply sad. It is only human to help others, thus making this world a better place. Let us be human:)
Natalia Borisova
My name is Natasha. I am a teacher of English at BKC-IH. Born and raised in Moscow, I love this city for its diversity. There are many things here that one can be proud of and lots of things that make one sad and concerned. But nothing compares to children's sorrow and misfortune, for it's silent and helpless. I've heard about "Sheredar" from a colleague of mine and when learnt that one could support the foundation and its charitable cause by joining the charity run at the Moscow Marathon, I had no doubts whatsoever. I have always been into sports - running, skiing, swimming, but all of it was always for myself, while on the 20th of September I will run full of hopes that every kilometre I make will help some kid to get back to normal life after spending endless dull days in hospital.
Amanda Macgillivray
My name is Amanda Macgillivray and I'm originally from the UK. I've been living in Moscow for the past year and love it. I recently started running and thought that running the Moscow 10K for "Sheredar" would give me the opportunity to support a great charity in my new home.

Софья Жиликова-Балазовская
Помогать людям для меня всегда было легко: сделать пожертвование, сдать кровь, отдать нуждающимся необходимые вещи, стать волонтерам и даже поработать в сфере благотворительности... В прошлом году я узнала о том, что помимо таких привычных способов оказания помощи нуждающимся, есть еще много различных вариантов. Один из них — charity running, заинтересовал меня больше всех. Я давно мечтала заняться спортом, а именно - начать бегать. Какой чудесной показалась мысль осуществить свою давнюю мечту и одновременно с этим осуществить мечту ребенка, который хочет вернуть себе ощущение детства. "Шередарь" - удивительный фонд, занимающийся реабилитацией детей, перенсших тяжелые заболевания. Я очень рада, что своим участием в марафоне смогу поддержать этих маленьких героев, этот замечательный проект и привлечь к проблеме реабилитации внимание своих знакомых и друзей.
Команда бегунов 'Шередарь' - 2014

Kseniya Davidson
Привет! Мне 23 года, я работаю в благотворительности, активно волонтерю, сдаю кровь и не понаслышке знаю, что такое привлекать средства в пользу благотворительных программ, направленных на помощь тем, кому трудно. Лет с двенадцати-тринадцати я активно бегаю. По утрам на школьном стадионе, вечером в лесу, днем по набережным Москвы... И сегодня я решила, что хочу с помощью спорта менять не только свою жизнь, но и жизнь тех, кому не так легко, как мне. Поэтому я пробегу 10 км на Московском марафоне в пользу маленьких победителей, приезжающих дальше бороться с последствиями болезни в Шередарь. Помогите мне помочь!

Shoshana Jackofsky
I started to run last year, because my friend was a runner. I never imagined I would enjoy it and the pride I felt after finishing my first Half Marathon. My first race was for me, but on September 21 I will be running for the children of Sheredar Foundation. The children of Sheredar Foundation should be proud of themselves, because they have overcome a big challenge, they had to battle a life threatening disease and they have survived. I am proud to run in the Moscow 10K/Marathon on September 21 to help raise money for the Sheredar Foundation. Sheredar Foundation works on helping children, who have survived oncological diseases, return to being a kid again and live a full and happy childhood. Please, support me and the Sheredar Foundation by donating money for this wonderful cause.

Adelya Salakhutdinova
Hey everyone! I’m 22 years old, I'm studying and working. I love learning languages and travelling most of all and I’ll run 10km on Moscow Marathon on 21st of September 2014. My big dreams are to see aurora borealis, to try surfing in the ocean and, of course, to run a marathon one day. Well, I’m a hopeless romantic. In people I appreciate mostly sense of humor and their firmness of purpose. A friend of mine told me about “Sheredar”. I was inspired immediately by the idea of being a charity runner and help one particular child or several children under care of fund. I want to help because health of our children is the most valuable capital of our future. Help me to help!

Elena Whitman
Hi! My name is Lena and I'm 35 years old. I'm fond of travelling and I like to explore new countries and to meet new people. I started running recently and went to the school Iloverunning.ru. I decided not only to travel around but to run in different countries. Moscow Marathon is my first big race, my first ten km. I decided to support Sheredar Foundation as soon as I found out about the rehabilitation programmes for the children. Last seven years I volunteer for the PwC social projects like planting trees, Sochi Olympics volunteering, helping children from the Mytishchi orhan house etc. There is nothing more innocent than children's laugh. I'll run my first ten km on Moscow Marathon for the little champions from Sheredar. They are winners but they have to surmount much more. Dear friends, I count on your help!

Yuliya Karih
Hi! There is a moment in the life when one feels overwhelming. The one is full of happiness, kindness, harmony and power. And there is a moment to start sharing all this good with someone who really need it. This happiness doesn't become smaller, quite the contrary - it becomes bigger and bigger. These was my thoughts after I came to the Sheredar Rehabilitation camp for the first time. Since then volunteering became part and parcel of me and of my life. And running... Yes, challenge accepted:) Moscow Marathon is a totally new as well as incredible experience for me. I'm sure that I'll smile and wave to my little friends from Sheredar.

Alex Zagorac
Hello friends! I’m 37, from Belgrade, Serbia. I am an English teacher with BKC school in Moscow. I’ll be running for the kids suffering from cancer this year, on Moscow Marathon. A word about me…? Well, I was born with flat feet, and had to wear special shoes for the most of my childhood. I was told I should avoid running. I didn’t. Years later when preparing for Belgrade Marathon (21km) I twisted my ancle on a whole in the ground covered with leaves. Again they said I should lay off running. I didn’t. Not at first, anyway. But later, even the fact that running had become my personal symbol for overcoming life’s obstacles stopped being such a strong motivation. Then I saw invitation from Sheredar to run for the kids. And I re-discovered the purpose I missed so much, only this time it’s much more real because – it’s not only about running, not only about me; it’s about helping the kids. So, those joints of mine – their whisper stopped being so noticeable after quite a while, or so it seems. Thank you for the purpose, thank you for the strength. I’m not letting you down!
Konstantin Shmatov
Hello everyone!! My name is Konstantin. Running became one of my favourite hobbies about one year ago. I try to make my friends running too. Moscow marathon is not my first race, I've been running before and I decided to join "Run for Sheredar!" to support our children's healthy feature.

Elena Borodina
HI! My name is Elena and I'm 29 years old. I decided to run a marathon on the threshold of my thirtieth birthday. I'm not doing this for some athletic feats. After all, I'm not a professional runner so even 10 km distance for me is going to be endless but I'm sure it's worth it! I found out about Sheredar recently and could see how it works on the inside. So my decision to run and therefore to help the children is deliberate. There are thousands of children in need of assistance and I believe that everyone can help them. I was asking myself before "Who are these people running and interrupting traffic?" Soon I'm going to be among them and I will try to do everything to make rehabilitation possible for more children. Let's support Sheredar together!

Michael Titov
Hi! I'm Michael and I'm thirty years old. I work at the construction firm. I was born and grew up in Orekhovo-Zuevo city, Moscow region. I'm a husband of a happy woman and I'm a good social mixer. I love my city sincerely and I dedicate all my activities to its prosperity. I'm fond of water tourism, I eat only healthy food and I don't drink alcohol at all. I started running about one year ago and I've already run my first marathon. I like to see results of my activities and it doesn't matter if it's in the sport or in my job. Every activity one putting his whole soul into is a benefit both for that who did it and for whom it was maken. As soon as I learned about the charitable foundation Sheredar and about possibility to help children I decided to run for Sheredar.

Mariya Tryapicyna
Hi everyone! My name is Mariya. I've started running recently and it was quite hard for me from the beginning but I could overcome the difficulties and took part in the race for 5 km. I run for Sheredar because I want more people to know about problem of children's rehabilitation after disease.

Oksana Guseinova
Hi! My name is Oksana and I'm 34 years old. Running was my most unloved activity during school time, I usually finished last. I don't think Moscow Marathon would be an exception but I want to help children very much. I can come last to the finish line without your help but I can't manage to help children without you!

Nadezhda Antufieva
Hi everyone! My name is Nadezhda and I'm 30 years old. I'm travelling a lot in African countries and finding out more about their cultures. African sportsmen usually were one of the best and enduring runners in the world and they inspired me to start running. I decided to try my strength in the marathon despite of I've started running recently. I'm very glad to join Sheredar's "Run for Sheredar!" and to help children.

Gayne Kagramanova
Hello! My name is Gayana, I work as an administrator in one of BKC-IH schools. I decided to run the marathon as soon as I found out about it. I've always wanted to help less fortunate children so I can't miss the chance. Every person can do charity no matter the amount of money he has. So I really hope you support me or even join our team, so we could help these children together.
Команда бегунов 'Шередарь' - 2013

Сергей Политенков
Главный беговой старт сезона - Московский марафон 2016 совсем скоро и я, как большой фанат спорта и здорового образа жизни, планирую вновь выйти на дистанцию. В этот раз, став сотрудником школы "BKC - International House", хочу принять участие в этом мероприятии со своими коллегами по работе и посвятить этот забег развитию и продвижению нашего благотворительного фонда "Шередарь". Дети - цветы жизни! С самого начала своих студенческих лет я занимаюсь благотворительной деятельностью, участвуя в различных мероприятиях. Хотелось бы, чтобы и эти прекрасные ребята адаптировались к окружающей среде и радовались жизни. В поддержку фонда и лагеря, заручившись поддержкой своих друзей, я побегу эти 42,195 км, доказав, что невозможное возможно!