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Donate via official Sheredar"s account:

Payee bank name: Sberbank of Russia Open Joint Stock Company, Moscow
Taxpayer Identification Number /Tax Registration Reason Code of Payee: 3321999051/332101001
Payee settlement account: 40703810138170002547
Payee correspondent account: 30101810400000000225
Payee Bank Identifier Code: 044525225
Payee name: Sheredar Foundation
Purpose of payment: Charity work donation
Every little counts and every donation matters! Help us change children"s lives for the better!
According to the statistics about 15 000 - 20 000 children under age in Russia need rehabilitation. Since the whole post-oncology (as well as other serious diseases rehabilitation programmes for children) is an uncharted territory in this country that is yet to be explored, we hope that together we can change the situation. With every donation we get closer to achieving our goal -  making children happy by giving them back their childhood.